Adult Courses

Thursday /Friday /
Saturday / Sunday:
3pm to 5pm
Closed on Public Holidays
Hand-building is a great way to create unique and personalised pottery artworks. In this course, you will learn four hand-building pottery making methods, which are Pinching, Coiling, Slab-building and Hollowing. Clay is a very malleable material. Participants who are keen in clay sculpturing could request instructor to teach them.
The course is 9 sessions. You will create, decorate and glaze 6 pottery artworks. The schedule is flexible. You can start anytime. You are required to complete the course within 4 months from start date. Refers to the schedule for this course. Please call or message us to book the session.
Course Fee: $720 (9 sessions)
inclusive of basic materials and firing of artworks
Please email us at enquiry@claycove.com or call us at 67338129 to schedule the classes.
To confirm the booking, please proceed to payment.
Mode of payment:
For PayNow, Clay Cove UEN is T08LL0090D or scan SGQR code.
For Bill Reference Number, please indicate your child's / children's name. Please email screenshot of transfer to enquiry@claycove.com